Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sperm In Virgina How Long How Long Does The Male Sperm Live In A Woman,s Virgina While Waiting For Her Egg To Be Fertilise?

How long does the male sperm live in a woman,s virgina while waiting for her egg to be fertilise? - sperm in virgina how long

Can you after sex with 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. the menstrual cycle to be pregnant?


Katharin... said...

Sperm can survive up to 5 days.
Most of them are at their best during 48 hours to 2 days.

TONY said...

Sperm can live up to 3 to 5 days in the vagina.

In perfect condition up to 7, but realistic 4 ..

The CAN is the key word ... When my wife and I have tried to design this kind of information that we gave our DR. Most of the time it really only lasts a day or more max.

In addition, the design is going to happen when ovulation you can do, what you want, because not all the sperm during ovulation ..

I am only human, I am not a doctor, you should consult an expert, the most accurate information on this topic, but ...

Good luck!

HOPE0208 said...

7 days, and yes! Menstrual cycle is not always the entire regulation, and others, especially when taking tablets

lambby34... said...

Sperm can live up to a week, but generally best for 5 or 6 days.

Phoebe said...

The vagina is written.

Sarah Willie Stroker™ said...

9 months you'll see if she has a child or not

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